08 November, 2013

David Gandy realises that the old adage 'never work with children or animals' is a really very good one.

Still, at least it's amusing Amanda Holden.

Because even beavers can't drag themselves away from Candy Crush Saga.

Russell Brand: the only Anonymous protestor who actually looks the same even when he lifts his mask up.

Probably just best to ignore the shouty man in headphones, eh soldier?

Never let it be said that Prince Harry is turning into his father.

It's a well-worn tradition: the Rocky theme starts... Barack Obama knows what to do.

Is it just us, or is Ed Miliband getting particularly feisty these days?

The cast of Annie arrive at number 10 Downing Street - where Cameron's role as Daddy Warbucks is explained to him.

Dot Cotton. Lady Gaga. BUT OF COURSE.

Slowly but surely. The Apprentice's Luisa turns into Katie Price.

One's an annoyingly rubbish form of transport. The other's a vintage car.

Student protests really aren't what they used to be, are they?

To be fair, who <em>wouldn't</em> take a selfie with David Beckham?

Every year, these old college friends meet for a reunion. And every year, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/05/man-weekend-college-reunion-pictures_n_4218383.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-comedy" target="_blank">they do this</a>.

To the gentleman standing next to Nick Clegg: we don't blame you. We don't blame you at all.

Whoops! A Chinese cinema <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/08/chinese-cinema-thor-2-poster_n_4238281.html?ref=topbar" target="_blank">mistakenly uses a fan-made poster</a> to advertised Thor 2.

Two words: instant karma.

Cats wearing tights! Yes, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/04/cats-wearing-tights_n_4212193.html?utm_hp_ref=pics--giggles" target="_blank">it's a thing</a>.

"And what do you do?" asked the soldier.

Look, really. Ed's getting feisty. And we rather like it.

Emma Thompson suddenly remembers she left the iron on.

Habib Habibou celebrates, Gangnam (and Elton) style.

According to the official picture caption, this shows 'Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden'. We have to say, he's not what we expected.

And the winner for Most Stylish Horse at the Melbourne Cup goes to... this fella!

(Unfortunately, the award for Most Inebriated Racegoers at the Melbourne Cup goes to this lot.)

Prince Philip still can't stop pointing at commoners.

David Miliband: even feistier than his brother Ed.

If a llama could roll its eyes, we think he would do it like this.

Incredibly, refereee Mike Dean is not French.

Graham Norton and Alan Carr pay close attention to Sir Alan Sugar...

...although of course, all that changes as soon as Nicholas Parsons appears.

Angela Merkel gives Greece its final warning.

Barack Obama accepts yet another sports shirt, but is already daydreaming of how much he'll get for it on eBay.

Meanwhile, somewhere in England, an elderly man is trying to find the perfect present for his new little grandson.


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