Woody Allen's characters may not always speak like real human beings, but often, that's part of what makes his movies so charming. One quirk seems to stand out, however: No one seems to have told the Woodman that the phrase "making love" went out of style before the Vietnam War.

If you can handle it, check out this supercut of people using variations of the phrase "making love" throughout Allen's 40-plus year career.

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  • Man Candles

    Also comes in other man-tastic scents such as bacon, sawdust, and farts. (<a href="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.originalmancandle.com%2Fcategory_s%2F18.htm&ei=_0kZTOiTM8GclgeIrL3ZCw&usg=AFQjCNE2J3x2fxiTOTI3o36-GVqtn4N5Ew&sig2=3E-5jt1L0T3rkPqXuqi7ng">source</a>)

  • Gold Man Home Urinal

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  • FlairHair Visor

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  • Goatee Saver

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  • Potty Putter Toilet Green

    Walking in on someone in the bathroom just got a WHOLE lot more awkward. (<a href="http://www.gagsandgoods.com/index.php?productID=156&PHPSESSID=05fa6b91895a6c7988b6ded46a75b1ef">source</a>)

  • Chest Hair Toupee

    If you can't grow hair on your chest and worry that women will judge you, just imagine how much they'll judge you when you're peeling this off before bed. (<a href="http://artofmanliness.com/2008/02/27/the-10-worst-products-for-men-ever-created/">source</a>)

  • Mantyhose - Pantyhose For Men

    Do we even have to go past the name of this product to point out how silly it is? OK, there is an <a href="http://www.e-mancipate.net/guide-how-to-put-on-the-mantyhose" target="_hplink">illustrated guide</a> on how to put them on. Satisfied? (<a href="http://www.e-mancipate.net/pantyhose-for-men-green-military">source</a>)

  • UroClub - Golf Club Urination Device

    We get that there are no bathrooms on a golf course, so relieving yourself can be a little complicated. But this? It's a urine receptacle shaped like a golf club, complete with a "privacy shield" towel that's really an unconvincing loin cloth. All of a sudden peeing behind a bush seems so much more sophisticated. (<a href="http://www.marieclaire.com/fashion/trends/articles/bad-holiday-gifts">source</a>)

  • Men's Underwear Repair Kit

    Look, we know we're in a recession, but really? This seems like a lot of trouble to save a few pennies. (<a href="http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105x8310566">source</a>)

  • Spray-On Hair

    We always knew this product existed but can't actually contemplate who would use it. Is it worse than the FlairHair visor or just equally humiliating? (<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/02/the-15-stupidest-products_n_342316.html?slidenumber=tABY58qJzp8%3D&slideshow#slide_image">source</a>)

  • Men's Brassiere

    Oh Japan. You know Seinfeld was just a sitcom, right? The "bro" or "mansierre" was hilarious but should never have been actually made. And it comes in pink! (<a href="http://inventorspot.com/articles/mens_premium_bra_offers_hope_japans_overly_endowed_20078">source</a>)

  • Crying Girl DVD For Men

    This one's a long-shot. This Japanese DVD features 12 minor actresses crying for some reason or another, over and over again. Why, you ask? It's marketed to men who feel stronger after seeing beautiful women cry. Go figure. (<a href="http://inventorspot.com/articles/crying_girl_dvd_helps_men_feel_strong_36913">source</a>)