Matt Bomer will portray screen legend Montgomery Clift in a newly announced biopic. IMDB listed the role on Bomer's filmography a few days ago, and a producer associated with the film confirmed the news on Wednesday.

When curious fans asked about the casting rumor on Twitter, producer Michael Din responded to say that Bomer has indeed landed the lead role in the movie, titled "Monty Clift." Din said the project will begin shooting in 2014, and IMDB lists "Clift" as a 2015 release. Producers also reportedly confirmed the casting news to ET.

The movie's IMDB page indicates the biopic will center on Clift's relationship with Elizabeth Taylor following the filming of 1951's "A Place in the Sun." (The Oscar-nominated actor carried on a relationship with choreographer Jerome Robbins.)

The news of Bomer's new role puts the actor front and center once again. The "White Collar" star was a breakout face of last year's "Magic Mike," and this year he was heavily favored play Christian Grey in the adaptation of "Fifty Shades of Grey" -- so heavily favored, in fact, that fans petitioned for the actor to take over even after Charlie Hunnam was cast. Bomer will also star in next year's HBO adaptation of the Larry Kramer play "The Normal Heart" as well as the fantasy film "Winter's Tale."

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  • "Creation" (2009)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Charles Darwin <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Paul Bettany <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Adult life, as Darwin's scientific theories clash with his religious wife's beliefs <strong>Also starring:</strong> Jennifer Connelly, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby Jones, Jim Carter

  • "Heart Beat" (1980)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> The Beat Generation <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Nick Nolte (Neal Cassady), Sissy Spacek (Carolyn Cassady), John Heard (Jack Kerouac) <strong>Period depicted:</strong> The period in which the three entered a love triangle in the late 1950s and '60s <strong>Also starring:</strong> John Larroquette, David Lynch, Ray Sharkey

  • "James Dean" (2001)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> James Dean <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> James Franco <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Age 8 to his death at age 24 <strong>Also starring:</strong> Michael Moriarty, Enrico Colantoni

  • "Lust For Life" (1956)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Vincent van Gogh <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Kirk Douglas <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Adult life, particularly the onset of van Gogh's mental illness <strong>Also starring:</strong> Anthony Quinn

  • "Pandaemonium" (2000)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> John Hannah (Wordsworth) and Linus Roache (Coleridge) <strong>Period depicted:</strong> The poets' collaboration on "Lyrical Ballads" and Coleridge penning "Kubla Khan" <strong>Also starring:</strong> Samantha Morton, Samuel West

  • "Stalin" (1992)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Joseph Stalin <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Robert Duvall <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Stalin's ruling and the Soviet Union's rise to power <strong>Also starring:</strong> Julia Ormond, Jim Carter, Kevin McNally

  • "The Agony and the Ecstasy" (1965)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Michelangelo <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Charlton Heston <strong>Period depicted:</strong> The painting of the Sistine Chapel, during which time Michelangelo clashed with Pope Julius II <strong>Also starring:</strong> Rex Harrison as Pope Julius II

  • "The Gathering Storm" (2002)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Winston Churchill <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Albert Finney <strong>Period depicted:</strong> The years leading up to World War II <strong>Also starring:</strong> Vanessa Redgrave, Jim Broadbent, Linus Roache, Lena Headey, Derek Jacobi, Tom Wilkinson

  • "The Motorcycle Diaries" (2004)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Ernesto Guevara, who would soon become known as Che Guevara <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Gael García Bernal <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Guevara's 1952 expedition across South America with his friend Alberto Granado, during which he witnessed the injustices that would later prompt his revolution <strong>Also starring:</strong> Rodrigo de la Serna

  • "Wilde" (1997)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Oscar Wilde <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Stephen Fry <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Wilde's marriage to Constance Lloyd, during which he comes to terms with his homosexuality <strong>Also starring:</strong> Jude Law, Tim Wilkinson, Jennifer Ehle, Gemma Jones, Vanessa Redgrave

  • "The Babe" (1992)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Babe Ruth <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> John Goodman <strong>Period depicted:</strong> Age 7 through Ruth's decline in the mid-1930s <strong>Also starring:</strong> Kelly McGillis, James Cromwell

  • "The Bunker" (1981)

    <strong>Subject:</strong> Adolph Hitler <strong>Portrayed by:</strong> Anthony Hopkins <strong>Period depicted:</strong> The last three months of Hitler's life <strong>Also starring:</strong> Richard Jordan, Piper Laurie, Michael Lonsdale