Country singer Vince Gill isn't afraid to confront the Westboro Baptist Church head-on, and that's exactly what he did when members from the hate group decided to protest his Missouri concert over the weekend.

On Sunday, Sept. 8, Gill stepped outside at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, Mo., to face down some Westboro Baptist Church members gathered on the sidewalk. The hate group purportedly decided to protest Gill's concert because he is a divorced man who remarried, Country Music Television noted.

The 56-year-old musician was once married to Sweethearts of the Rodeo singer Janis Oliver. After their 1998 divorce, he married Christian singer Amy Grant in 2000. Grant, who has offered support to her gay fanbase, was previously married to Christian musician Gary Chapman.

Apparently, that union doesn't sit too well with the WBC, best known for its anti-gay rhetoric, as well as its unwanted appearances at funerals.

"Vince Gill, what in the world are you doing out here?" a WBC member can be heard asking, in a video of the confrontation uploaded to YouTube. "But, more importantly, what are you doing with another man's wife?"

"I came out to see what hatred really looked like in the face," Gill responded.

"Don't you know that divorce plus remarriage equals adultery?" she asked.

"Don't you know that you f**kers are lucky that you don't have a sign that says something about my wife?" Gill asked. "You know what else [Jesus Christ] said? He said a lot of stuff about forgiveness, about grace. You guys don't have any of that."

Gill then called another picketer a "big dips**t" and later asked if they are the Phelpses or just "the C Team."

On Sunday, the group also protested outside a Michael Buble concert. Its GodHatesFags website reveals the group has picketing plans at several places over the next two months, including a Mumford & Sons concert on Sept. 20 and two Florida high schools in October.

Westboro is about to get a protest of its own. Nonprofit group Planting Peace announced that in October it will be staging a drag show at the Equality House in Topeka, Kan., to draw attention to the anti-gay group and raise money for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality. The Westboro Baptist Church compound is set to be in the center of the parade.

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