Former child star Corey Feldman makes plenty of horrifying claims about his childhood in his new memoir, "Coreyography," and now his mother, Sheila Kenner, is hitting back and coming forward to say "most" of what's been written about her is "not true."
In his book, Feldman claims his mother was a drug addict and was emotionally and physically abusive, writing that she bleached his hair blond at the age of four, tortured him about his weight, and eventually force-fed him diet pills.
Another time, Feldman alleges that after he was fired from a TV movie, his mother attacked him with a long wooden dowel that was used as a window stop until his skin was "raw and bleeding," while screaming at him: "How could you f--king do this to me? You know I need this f--king money. I will kill you. I will f--king kill you, you worthless piece of sh-t.”
The allegations don't come as a complete shock to Feldman's mother, who now says she's had enough, and is speaking out about her son's book for the first time.
"This thing with Corey is getting totally out of hand. I’m stressed, but I’m trying. It’s very hard to deal with. It really is. I just have to deal with it," Kenner told RadarOnline.
"I had a pretty good idea [what was coming in the book] because Corey and I discussed it. At one point, we went out to dinner. He said, ‘Mom, you’re not going to like what I have to say.’ I said, ‘Corey, I’m probably not gonna like it. I’m gonna be pretty hysterical and I’m gonna know that most of it is not true,'" she revealed to the website. "He said, ‘Just go along with it.' He told me, ‘I want you to know that you’re just gonna be getting swamped.'”
Kenner says she hasn't read her son's memoir but has been keeping up with his media appearances, and also takes issue with her portrayal as a greedy stage mother, explaining that it wasn't all negative and that show business did have some benefits for her family. And when asked about Feldman's claims of sexual abuse he says he endured as a teen, Kenner had this to say:
“I have more to write about than you do, Corey! I was an adult around all that stuff."
It's not clear how that statement would relieve her of responsibility, since, as she said, she was an adult at the time her teenage son was being abused.
A request for comment to Feldman's rep was not immediately returned.
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Amanda Bynes
Amanda Bynes began her professional acting at the age of 7, and hit it big first as a regular cast member of Nickelodeon's "Figure It Out" and "All That," and in 1999 she landed her own sketch show, called "The Amanda Show."
Amanda Bynes
Amanda Bynes was a child actor turned teen actress without much incident, but in recent years it became apparent that something might be a little off with the actress. After a few years of relative obscurity, Bynes tweeted that she was retiring from the entertainment industry at the tender age of 24, then <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/15/amanda-bynes-tweets_n_877635.html" target="_hplink">tweeted about her preference for "chocolate" men.</a> Most recently, the actress has been i<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/06/amanda-bynes-charged-dui-barack-obama_n_1573423.html" target="_hplink">nvolved in a series of car accidents and charged with a DUI. </a> Following news of her DUI charge, Bynes took to Twitter to proclaim her innocence -- to the president. "Hey @BarackObama... I don't drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don't hit and run. The end," the "She's the Man" star tweeted. In recent months, the actress' behavior has only become more erratic, as she announced on Twitter that she has an eating disorder, and wrote that she wanted rapper Drake to "murder" her vagina. Bynes was arrested for reckless endangerment in May 2013 after she allegedly dropped a bong out of the window of her high rise apartment.
Shia LaBeouf
Shia LaBeouf began performing stand-up at comedy clubs at age 10, and got his big break as Louis Stevens on Disney's "Even Stevens," in 2000.
Shia LaBeouf
In 2007 Shia LaBeouf was arrested at a Chicago Walgreens after he appeared drunk and refused to leave the store.
The "Transformers" actor was hit with a misdemeanor criminal trespassing charge. Those charges were later dropped by Walgreens, who decided they weren't interested in pursuing the case.
In March 2008, a warrant was issued for the actor's arrest after he didn't show up to a hearing in relation to a ticket he received for unlawful smoking in Burbank, California. When the actor's lawyer showed up the next day to plead not guilty the warrant was recalled, and the charges later dismissed after the actor paid a $500 fine.
In July 2008, Shia ended up in the hospital after he crashed his car and injured his hand. Although police determined LaBeouf was <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/29/shia-labeouf-was-not-at-f_n_115675.html" target="_hplink">not at fault </a>for the accident, he was still <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/27/shia-labeouf-dui-arrest-a_n_115205.html" target="_hplink">charged with a DUI</a> and his license suspended for a year.
In February 2011, the actor found himself in handcuffs after he got in an altercation with another bar patron and got punched in the face. Lucky for Shia no charges were filed. <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/17/shia-laboeuf-fight-video-vancouver-the-company-you-keep/#.TqW9dJxSkv4" target="_hplink">In October 2011, the actor was involved in another bar fight in Vancouver, Canada</a>. In video footage, the actor is repeatedly punched in the head by another bar guest. No charges were filed at this time.
Since then, the actor has stayed out of the news for anything other than his on-screen work, but he did get a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/18/shia-labeouf-naked-full-frontal-sigur-ros_n_1606042.html" target="_hplink">little wild when he recently went full frontal for a new Sigur Ros video. </a>Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan has been working since the age of 3, when she signed with Ford Models, and later appeared in more than 100 TV commercials.
After being cast as Alexandra Fowler on the soap opera "Another World," Lohan got her first big break, playing twins in a remake of Disney's "The Parent Trap."
After a few years out of the spotlight, Lohan returned to Hollywood and made a few movies, before becoming an industry fixture with the 2004 movie, "Mean Girls."Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan has the distinct honor of being arrested more times than any other Disney star.
The actress who starred in the remake of Disney's classic "The Parent Trap" and the Lovebug reboot "Herbie: Fully Loaded," was first arrested May 26, 2007 on suspicion of driving under the influence after her car struck a curb in Los Angeles. Police also reported they found a substance they believed to be cocaine at the scene.
Two days later Lohan checked herself into what would be her second stint in rehab and during her stay was accused of being drunk when she crashed into a parked van in October 2005, alleges a lawsuit against her.
On July 24, 2007, less than two-weeks after she left her 45-day stay at Promises, Lohan was pulled over by police and arrested on five counts, including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of narcotics. She heads back to rehab hours after the arrest.
On August 23, the actress was charged with seven misdemeanor counts for her two DUI arrests. With a plea deal it is agreed that Lindsay will spend one day in jail, serve 10 days of community service and complete a drug-treatment program. She was also given 36 months of probation and had to complete an 18-month alcohol education program. In addition she also had to finish a three-day county coroner program that requires she talk to victims of drunk drivers and visit a morgue.
After showing up late to a probationary hearing to review her cases on October 16, 2009, Lohan lands herself another year of probation tacked on to the initial 36 months, because she failed to complete the alcohol education classes.
A warrant was issued for Lindsay's arrest and is ordered to post $200,000 bail after her SCRAM alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet went off in June 2010. The next month she was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab for violating her probation.
Lohan serves only 14 days in jail and begins her court-ordered 90 day rehab program, which she only serves 23 days of after doctors said she had done everything required of her.
After failing a drug test in September 2010, a judge revoked her probation, denied her bail and sent Lindsay back to prison. Lohan's lawyers appealed the decision and had it overturned -- Lohan was released after posting $300,000 bail that day.
Later that month she checks into the Betty Ford Center for substance abuse rehab. In October a judge orders Lohan to stay in rehab until January for violating her probation.
Just three weeks out of rehab Lohan is accused of walking out of a jewelry store with a necklace and was later charged with felony grand theft.
In April 2011, Lohan spends five hours in custody before posting a $75,000 bond after she was sentenced to 120 days in jail for violating her DUI probation by being charged with the necklace theft.
In May, Lohan is sentenced to 120 days for stealing the necklace, which she will serve at home, and only serves 35 days of house arrest. She also got 480 hours of community service.
On October 19, 2011 Lohan's probation was revoked after she was kicked out of the community service program at an L.A. women's shelter. Lohan posted $100,000 bail and the judge set a hearing for November 2, to see if Lohan will serve jail time.
Then on October 20, Lohan was late to morgue duty and turned away. The next day she shows up early and tries to apologize by buying the morgue staff lunch at In N' Out burger.
Lohan has since completed her probation, but was most recently in yet another car crash. In early June 2012, Lohan crashed a rented porsche into the back of a dump truck. Though police are still investigating, they cleared the actress of being intoxicated.Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato's career began at the age of 7, when she was cast alongside BFF Selena Gomez on "Barney & Friends."
In 2007, she hit it big with the Disney Channel original movie "Camp Rock" starring opposite the Jonas Brothers. The success of the movie led to a staring role as Sonny on the Disney show "Sonny With a Chance."Demi Lovato
Things publicly took a turn for the worse for Demi Lovato in October 2010, when she underwent treatment for a "physical and emotional issue."
The decision to head to rehab was prompted by a physical altercation with one of the Jonas Brothers' backup dancers, who told the Disney star's management about some of Lovato's dangerous behavior.
After three months of treatment, Demi returned to the spotlight and opened up about her battles with bulimia and cutting, and being diagnosed as bipolar.
Lovato has been extremely open about her issues, and admitted she was abusing drugs as a way to self-medicate. In an MTV documentary, the singer continued to share her struggle with fans and admitted she's still in process of recovery.Mitchel Musso
Mitchel Musso made his film debut in the 2004 movie "Secondhand Lions," and got his big break as Oliver Oken on Disney's "Hannah Montana," later voicing Jeremy Johnson on "Phineas and Ferb."
Mitchel Musso
Former "Hannah Montana" star Mitchel Musso was <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/17/disney-star-mitchel-musso-dui_n_1015660.html#s117183&title=Kimora_Lee_Simmons" target="_hplink">arrested on October 16, 2011, and charged with two counts of drunk driving. </a>
The 20-year-old actor, who currently stars on Disney's "Pair of Kings" and lends his voice to the Disney cartoon series "Phineas and Ferb," was pulled over after he failed to slow down for police officers who were directing traffic. When given a breathalyzer test Musso blew well above the 0.08 percent BAC limit.
If convicted on both counts, Musso faces a maximum of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/22/mitchel-musso-charged-dui-drunk-driving-burbank-jail/#.TqWnlpxSkv5" target="_hplink">But as TMZ notes</a>, first-time DUI offenders in LA County aren't sentenced to jail time unless there are aggravating circumstances, which in this case there are not.
In February 2012, <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2012/02/10/mitchel-musso-dui-plea/" target="_hplink">Musso struck a deal in his DUI case</a>, and pled no
contest to one count of having a blood alcohol level over .08. In exchange, he was sentenced to 36 months' informal probation and ordered to pay a fine and complete an alcohol education class.Britney Spears
Britney Spears started singing in church as a young child, and had her first break when she was cast in a re-boot of Disney's "Mickey Mouse Club," in 1992.
When the show was canceled, Spears returned home to Louisiana, but was back in the spotlight by 1998, with the release of her first album, "...Baby One More Time," and took over the world of pop music.Britney Spears
Britney Spears was arrested and hospitalized in January 2008 after she barricaded herself in a bathroom with her son Jayden and refused to come out. The singer had refused to return her two sons to their father, Kevin Federline, after a court-monitored visit.
Police were called and Britney was said to be babbling and incoherent, arguing with officers in a way that made no sense.
After a three-hour standoff Britney was arrested, strapped to a gurney and taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where she was held for 72-hours for psychiatric treatment and evaluation. No criminal charges were filed, but the singer lost custody of her sons, Jayden and Sean Preston, following the incident.Vanessa Hudgens
Vanessa Hudgens began performing in musical theater as a singer, at the age of 8, and moved to Los Angeles after she was cast in a commercial to try her hand at a real career.
In 2003, she had a minor role in "Thirteen" starring Evan Rachel Wood, and in 2005 landed her big break with Disney's "High School Musical."Vanessa Hudgens
Just after Vanessa Hudgens reprised her role as Gabriella Montez in "High School Musical 2," photos of the then 16-year-old, posing nude and in lingerie, surfaced online.
No one expected Hudgens' career to survive the photo leak, but Disney welcomed her back and issued an apology.
In 2009, the actress had yet another nude photo scandal, this time featuring Hudgens topless. Reps for the actress refused to comment, but her lawyers requested that the photos, which had been stolen from her cellphone, be removed from the Internet.
In March 2011, a video, and more nude photos were stolen and released.Christina Aguilera
At the age of 9, Christina Aguilera appeared on "Star Search" singing "A Sunday Kind of Love," and in 1994 was cast alongside Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Ryan Gosling in Disney's "The New Mickey Mouse Club."
In 1999, Aguilera re-introduced herself to the world as a pop princess, with her self-titled debut album.Christina Aguilera
The former mouseketeer ditched the pop princess style with which she was introduced to the world and got down and "Dirty" in 2003.
The singer's style became more shocking as the years passed, but it wasn't until <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/01/christina-aguilera-arrested_n_829592.html" target="_hplink">May 2011, when she was arrested for public intoxication.</a>
The singer's boyfriend Matthew Rutler was pulled over by police who saw the car "burn rubber" and fishtail onto a street. The couple smelled of alcohol and Rutler failed his breathalyzer test, blowing 0.09 BAC.
While Christina was a passenger, cops said she appeared "too drunk to care for herself and had no driver to take her home." She was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public, so police could hold her at the station to sober up.
Although she was arrested, cops said she wouldn't be prosecuted because she has no criminal intent, but the misdemeanor arrest remains on her record.Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus began her career at the age of 8 with a role on the short-lived show "Doc," starring her father, Billy Ray.
At the age of 11, Miley hit the big time with Disney's "Hannah Montana." The show made Miley one of Disney's biggest stars and helped her launch her own music career.Miley Cyrus
As Miley Cyrus became a huge star, the controversies surrounding her began to unfold one after the next.
In April 2008, provocative pictures of Cyrus in underwear and bikinis leaked online, and Cyrus released a statement, saying:
"I am going to make mistakes and I am not perfect. I never intended for any of this to happen and I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone."
Of course, there was buzz about how much skin the young star was showing, because of racy photos taken by Annie Leibovitz for <em>Vanity Fair</em>. The scandal forced both Cyrus and Leibovitz to apologize.
But the following year, at the Teen Choice Awards, a pole dance she did for her song "Party in the U.S.A." caused outrage.
Then in 2010 a video of Cyrus giving her movie producer a lap dance went viral and then, another video of her smoking salvia from a bong made huge headlines.
In 2011, the singer again made headlines over a video in which she declared she was a "pothead" and later photos of her posing with a novelty cake in the shape of a penis caused outrage among conservative groups.
The 19-year-old star has spent most of 2012 shocking everyone with her ever-shrinking waistline and clothing. The singer and actress is known to shun undergarments while wearing revealing clothing.
Most recently Miley surprised everyone when she announced her engagement to boyfriend Liam Hemsworth.Jamie Lynn Spears
Jamie Lynn Spears got her big break just by being Britney's little sister. Jamie Lynn was cast as a younger version of her sister in 2002's "Crossroads," which lead to her landing a role on Nickelodeon's "All That."
Jamie Lynn broke out of the ensemble show with a starring role on "Zoey 101" in 2004.Jamie Lynn Spears
Jamie Lynn Spears' career was given a boost from being the younger sister of one of the biggest names in pop, but as for her sister, controversy was sure to follow.
In 2007, 16-year-old Jamie Lynn announced in an interview with <em>OK! </em>magazine that she was pregnant with boyfriend Casey Aldridge's baby, and announced their engagement in 2008.
Spears gave birth to daughter Maddie in June 2008 and moved in with Aldridge. The couple called off their engagement in 2009 and Spears ended the relationship and moved out in February 2010.Orlando Brown
Orlando Brown began his career at the age of 8 and got his break as Eddie Thomas on Disney's "That So Raven."
Orlando Brown
"That's So Raven" star Orlando Brown was <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/14/orlando-brown-dui_n_926430.html" target="_hplink">arrested in August 2011 and charged with a DUI. </a>
Cops pulled over the former Disney star for driving without a license plate. When they went in for a closer look, Brown smelled of alcohol and when given a breathalyzer test, he blew over the 0.08 BAC limit.
Brown has <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/24/orlando-brown-plea-deal/" target="_hplink">struck a plea deal that will keep him out of jail</a>. The 23-year-old actor pled no contest and was given 36 months probation, ordered to pay a $390 fine, sentenced to a single day in jail, ordered to attend alcohol education classes and must attend 10 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.Jodie Sweetin
Jodie Sweetin began her career at the tender age of 4, appearing in a hot dog commercial, but got her big break when she was cast as the middle child, Stephanie, on "Full House" in 1987.
Jodie Sweetin
After "Full House" ended, so did Jodie Sweetin's career, and her life took a dark turn.
She gave birth to daughter Zoie in April 2008, and split from husband Cody Herpin in November. Sweetin became a<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/22/jodie-sweetins-memoir-met_n_330802.html" target="_hplink"> drug addict, abusing everything from meth to cocaine and ecstasy. </a>
In 2009, Sweetin wrote a memoir called "unSweetined," which chronicles her downward spiral, which began with the ending of "Full House."Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen
The Olsen twins have been working since they were 6 months old and now have billions of dollars to show for it.
The twin sisters found fame almost from birth when they were cast as Michelle Tanner on "Full House" in 1987.
The girls were the breakout stars of the show and launched their own production company, making dozens of straight-to-video movies that were a staple at sleepovers in the early 1990s. A clothing line with Walmart followed, and soon the Olsen twins had an empire built on cuteness.Mary-Kate Olsen
Being a child star takes its toll, even when you're as successful as Mary-Kate Olsen.
In 2004, Olsen announced she had entered treatment for anorexia, but rumors that she was also being treated for drug and alcohol abuse were rampant.
After she entered treatment, a "Got milk?" ad featuring Mary-Kate and Ashley was pulled from rotation, and that was effectively the end of the Olsens ever being viewed as role models for young girls.
Olsen recovered from anorexia and has gone on to run a successful fashion empire with her sister.Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore landed her first professional gig at the tender age of 11 months, and got her first big break when she was cast as Gertie in "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" in 1981.
Drew Barrymore
Finding fame so young proved dangerous for Drew Barrymore, who was a regular at nightclubs as a little girl, <a href="http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20119356,00.html" target="_hplink">and detailed in her memoir "Little Girl Lost" </a>that she was smoking cigarettes at 9, drinking at 11, smoking marijuana at 12, and snorting cocaine by 13.
Drew's partying was constantly reported on by the media and she made her first trip to rehab at 13. After falling back into hard-partying ways, the actress attempted suicide and returned to rehab at the age of 14.
Barrymore managed to get herself sober, and filed for emancipation from her mother.
Today, Barrymore has a successful career as an actress and producer, and was <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/06/drew-barrymore-married-st_n_1573927.html" target="_hplink">recently married for the third time</a>. She and new husband Will Kopelman are expecting their first child together later this year.
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