Lady Gaga has teased fans with a snippet of another brand new song, 'Venus', from her forthcoming 'ARTPOP' album.

'Venus' was originally planned as the follow up to 'Applause' but Gaga changed her mind after her collaboration with R.Kelly, 'Do What U Want' topped the iTune charts in 25 countries.

The singer has assured fans on Twitter that 'Venus' will still get a release later this month and its very own video.

"Don't worry monsters! We are still scheduled to release #Venus this Monday with a snippet on Friday! AND it will STILL have its own video!" she tweeted.

Gaga is currently on a whirlwind tour of Europe where she is promoting 'ARTPOP'.

Yesterday she met fans in Berlin, Germany wearing a bizarre furry headpiece before later stripping down to a leather bra and pants and popping on a fake moustache at an album listening party.

lady gaga

She's due to appear on 'The X Factor' this weekend where she'll perform 'Venus' in full.

Click the video above to listen to the clip of 'Venus' and let us know what you think below...

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany

  • Lady Gaga 'ARTPOP' Launch, Berlin, Germany


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  • Royal Variety Performance, December 2009

    Forget for a moment the general incongruity of Lady Gaga being in Blackpool and ponder what you'd wear if you were meeting the Queen.Now take a look at this picture and marvel at Gaga's front. That's what the talent show dancers behind her are doing, we're sure.We hope nobody told Her Maj that Gaga isn't a real aristocrat! (Pic: PA)

  • MTV Video Awards, September 2009

    You know the maxim that "less is more"? Well in Gaga's case we think "more is more" might be a better term.Wacky hat, loads of feathers, pink hair, gold mask... but somehow it works. (Pic: PA)

  • Beats product launch, September 2009

    Gaga channels Dame Edna at the launch of her "Heartbeats" headphones - marketed in conjunction with Dr Dre. (Pic: PA)

  • MAC product launch, March 2010

    One of our favourite Gaga costumes here, the lace bodysuit and crinkly black hat ensemble.We love how it's a make-up launch and virtually all you can see of her face is her lips.It's the little details... (Pic: PA)

  • Tokyo, April 2010

    Meow! Gaga strikes a feline pose as she is snapped by the paps at Tokyo's airport.Looks like she's been writing on her arm with her mascara there. (Pic: PA)

  • Tokyo concert, April 2010

    Ever wondered what happened to all the lace doilies you used to see at your elderly relatives' houses?Well it looks like Gaga snapped them up to make this dainty outfit. (Pic: PA)

  • Platinum Awards, May 2010

    Gaga turned-up in this ensemble to collect a gong at the Platinum Awards in Germany.We're not sure what her award was for - but we're guessing it might have been for the best Scottish Widows advert lookalike. (Pic: PA)

  • New York, July 2010

    We know it gets very hot in New York City in the summer, but do you really have to strip to your bra and pour water over your head Gaga?You do? Oh well, carry on then. (Pic: PA)

  • New York, July 2010

    We know it gets very hot in New York City in the summer, but do you really have to strip to your bra and pour water over your head Gaga?You do? Oh well, carry on then. (Pic: PA)

  • Madison Square Garden, July 2010

    Here's Gaga at a gig at Madison Square Garden in July 2010.Careful turning round in that, you don't want to have a backing dancer's eye out! (Pic: PA)

  • Madison Square Garden, July 2010

    Same gig, different outfit - and this one's quite subdued by Gaga's standards.Still not sure about wearing it on the Tube though. (Pic: PA)

  • Madison Square Garden, July 2010

    Gaga does like to think of herself as a bit of a misfit, but we're not quite sure what look she's aiming for here.Quasimodo? Frankenstein's monster? Herman Munster? Answers on a postcard please... (Pic: PA)

  • Madison Square Garden, July 2010

    Another costume change - and now she's dressed as a snowflake or something like that.Does that make her the ice queen of pop? (Pic: PA)

  • Lollapolooza, Aug 2010

    You've got to hand it to Gaga for her purple accessorizing prowess - but there's one question we really, really want answered.Can she see out of them glasses or what? (Pic: PA)

  • New York Plaza, September 2010

    Gaga obviously made the effort to dress up smart when she had a gig at New York's posh Plaza hotel.We suppose "bling cavewoman" is her idea of smart anyway. (Pic: PA)

  • MTV Video Music Awards, September 2010

    We bet the organisers and punters at the MTV VMAs were a bit disappointed when Gaga showed up in what was a pretty dull costume, by her usual standards... (Pic: PA)

  • VMAs again, September 2010

    ...but we imagine they were delighted when she went on stage in her infamous "meat dress".Love it or hate it, you must admit it's a cut above that last outfit! (Pic: PA)

  • Dublin, October 2010

    We're not sure what she was trying to say with this bra and panties and stars-and-stripes bandana in Dublin, but we're sure it was very profound.We must admit we're disappointed to see she's got one of those boring eastern writing tattoos like David Beckham though. We thought she was more original than that. (Pic: PA)

  • German TV, November 2010

    It's not always about the clothes with Gaga, as she proved when she wowed German telly viewers with this WIDE hairdo in November 2010.One of our faves! (Pic: PA)

  • Madison Square Garden, February 2011

    Just like her idol Madonna, Gaga can't resist the occasional pop at religion - and the Catholic church in particular.This naughty nun outfit was one of the more memorable outfits in her Monster Ball stage show. (Pic: PA)

  • Grammys, Feb 2011

    Even when she's just sitting in the audience Gaga still likes to make sure she's the centre of attention.We just feel sorry for the poor punters sat behind her who've had their nights ruined by her stupid hat. (Pic: PA)

  • Grammys, February 2011

    And of course she'd changed by the time she arrived on stage at the same event in a giant Perspex egg.We'd hate to see her dry cleaning bill! (Pic: PA)

  • Jay Leno, February 2011

    Quite why Gaga decided to get pointy "face implants" to go on Jay Leno's chat show, we don't know. But then she doesn't need to justify herself to us.We were just glad to be able to say that she had a p-p-p--p-p-pointy face! (Pic: PA)

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