The more you know: Speaking to fans during a Q&A session on Wednesday, Katy Perry revealed that should "Beetlejuice 2" become an actual reality, she'd love to play Lydia, the part originated by Winona Ryder in the first film.
This isn't the first time Perry and "Beetlejuice" have been associated. An intrepid video editor cut together Perry's "Teenage Dream" with footage from the "Beetlejuice" cartoon that ran between 1989 and 1991:
Perry has long discussed her interest in acting. (She voices Smurfette in the "Smurfs" films, and has also hosted "Saturday Night Live.") "I am really interested in comedy, and I would really love to play Rachael in 'Blade Runner 2' if Ridley [Scott] would just call!" Perry said to the U.K. edition of Metro earlier this year. "I think I’d enjoy playing the opposite of what you expect." Sean Young played the Rachael role in the original "Blade Runner."
As for "Beetlejuice 2," director Tim Burton is in talks to return to make the second film, though if he does, it won't happen for a while. Burton has two projects lined up before he could even tackle "Beetlejuice 2." It's expected that if and when the film does happen, Michael Keaton will reprise his title role.
For more from Perry, head to HitFix.
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via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/25/katy-perry-beetlejuice-2_n_4163661.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-entertainment&ir=UK+Entertainment
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