Kanye West kicked off his Yeezus tour in Seattle this week, making headlines with his use of religious imagery during the concert. At one point during the show, West was joined onstage by a man dressed as Jesus, a move the rapper defended in a recent interview with San Francisco radio station Wild 94.9.

"I had a friend of mine that's a pastor there as we started discussing how we wanted to deliver it," West explained. "My girl even asked afterward, 'Hmm is that weird if Jesus comes onstage?' or something like that. Then they're like, 'No, we do plays all the time when people play Jesus.' You know what's awesome about Christianity is that we're allowed to portray God. We're allowed to draw an image of him, we're allowed to make movies about him. Other religions, you're not allowed to do that. That's what's really awesome about Christianity. That's one of the awesome things... God knows where my heart is at."

Watch West speak on the matter above, and catch a bonus clip of the rapper discussing how he changes his voice for corporate "suits."

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