The Westboro Baptist Church's Kansas compound recently became the setting for a porn flick filmed by a bisexual punk musician. Yes, really.

Gawker first brought attention to the Westboro porn stunt in post published Oct. 3. Bisexual bassist Laura Lush, of the punk band Get Shot!, which also produces the porn site Get Shot Girls, headed to WBC headquarters on Sept. 30 to film herself masturbating at the location, according to the group's Facebook page.

“The Phelps family and Westboro Baptist Church are ridiculous and do nothing except spread hate and cause controversy," Lush in a press release posted on the page. "As a bisexual woman and the bass player of a ridiculous punk band, I wanted to spread my legs and cause controversy.”

In the video (which can be viewed on Gawker but is seriously NSFW), Lush can be seen riding in a car to the location covered by only a blanket.

"I'm pretty excited," she says. "It's a beautiful day and it's gonna be a lot of fun."

The group seems happy with the results.

"Although we are a heterosexual band, we proudly support gay rights and sexual freedom," manager John Hayes told The Huffington Post in an emailed message Thursday. "We plan on returning to Westboro by the end of the year and will organize a lesbian orgy."

Uproxx's Film Drunk noted: "[I]t’s a transparent ploy for attention, but as long as it antagonizes Westboro Baptist it’s fine by me."

Westboro members are known for traveling the country to protest military funerals, celebrities and the aftermath of natural disasters -- mostly in the name of anti-gay ideology -- but these days, more and more people are meeting them on their own turf.

Back in July, the New York-based Satanic Temple went to the Mississippi gravesite of founder Fred Phelps' mother to perform a "pink mass" ceremony and "turn" her gay for all of eternity. This month, the WBC compound will be at the center of a drag show put on by the anti-hate nonprofit Planting Peace.

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