You might recognize Tim Minchin as a famous Australian musician, composer, songwriter, actor, comedian and writer, but did you know that he is also pretty much a sage when it comes to giving life advice?
Watch Minchin deliver the Occasional Address (aka guest speech) at his alma mater, The University of Western Austrailia. His advice to graduates on how "to be" is funny, inspiring, beautiful and real. To sum it up very very simply, he says:
1. You don't have to have a dream.
2. Don't seek happiness.
3. Remember, it's all luck.
4. Exercise.
5. Be hard on your opinions.
6. Be a teacher.
7. Define yourself by what you love.
8. Respect people with less power than you.
9. Don't rush.
Listen to these words of wisdom, and you might just get through life perfectly...Or at least, kind of unscathed.
Via The University of Western Australia
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(<a href="" target="_hplink">Image via Imgur</a>)Blind Dog's Rescue
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<em><strong>CORRECTION:</strong> This slide has been updated to show the correct spelling of Eldad's last name.</em>Bassett Hounds' 1,000-Mile Journey
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