What the GOOP just came out of your mouth, Gwyneth?!
Ms. Paltrow was on "Chelsea Lately" earlier this week speaking with her good friend Chelsea Handler to promote her new sex addiction romantic comedy, "Thanks For Sharing," but it seems like she shared a little too much when she revealed her plans for her upcoming 41st birthday.
What does she plan to do? Binge on food from anti-gay fast food chain, Chick-Fil-A!
Now, now, before you start burning your VHS copies of "Shakespeare In Love," Paltrow has been through a lot lately and maybe her questionable answer is the result of being frazzled while trying to keep up with Handler's witty banter. As she discusses during her interview, Paltrow recently moved back to LA after a decade-long stint in London (she'd better be careful on her new Vespa!), so maybe it's stress from the intercontinental move.
We're sure Gwyneth does not want to be thought of as hobknobbin' with not-so-LGBT-friendly Chick-Fil-A devotees like Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin.
You do you, Gwyneth... just don't eat those anti-gay waffle fries while doin' it -- and promise to think next time before you endorse a fast food chain that has such a terrible track record when it comes to LGBT people.
Also on HuffPost:

In the midst of the United States Supreme Court's review of California's Prop 8 and the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/27/beyonce-madonna-celebrities-gay-marriage-_n_2962635.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular" target="_blank">Beyonce sounded off</a> on marriage equality via Instagram with a handwritten note that said, "If you like it you should be able to put a ring on it #WeWillUnite4MarriageEquality."
Willie Nelson
During an interview with Texas Monthly's Andy Langer in late March 2013, Nelson showed his support for marriage equality. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/28/willie-nelson-gay-marriage-_n_2972344.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices" target="_blank">He told Langer</a>,"Gay people should be just as miserable as the rest of us," before noting that he finds the ongoing debate over same-sex marriage "ridiculous...in this day and age." "For same-sex couples, taxes are different, benefits are different, survivor benefits are different," Nelson notes. "It's crazy ... I never had a problem with any of it. I've known straight and gay people all my life. I can't tell the difference. People are people where I came from."
Snoop Lion
As the United States Supreme Court heard cases from California's Proposition 8, Snoop Lion had no qualms about discussing marriage equality with Huff Post Entertainment. He <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/28/snoop-lion-gay-marriage-reincarnated-diplo_n_2966804.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices&ir=Gay%20Voices" target="_blank">told Kia Makarechi,</a> "People can do what they want and as they please. Satisfy yourself accordingly. I have no issues with nobody, I live for me and I live my life doing what I do, so you should have the right to do whatever you want to do."
Stephen Amell
In late March, Stephen Amell showed his support of marriage equality and urged the United States Supreme Court to rule in favor of marriage equality during the review of California's Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The "Arrow" star <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/27/arrow-star-stephen-amell-marriage-equality_n_2964284.html?utm_hp_ref=tv" target="_blank">posted a message</a> to his official Facebook page in support of gay rights.
Kenneth Faried
Kenneth Faried, who has two moms, spoke out about his support of marriage equality and his mothers. “A lot of people [are] saying civil union,” Faried <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/26/kenneth-faried-denver-nuggets-gay-marriage-two-moms_n_2552462.html" target="_blank">told KDVR</a>. “I don’t like it being called that because I can get married to a female and it can be called a marriage. Why can’t a female be married to a female and male be married to a male and it be called a marriage? You still have the same thing, same love and happiness.”
La La Anthony
Before attending her first gay wedding, La La Anthony discussed gay marriage on her reality show, VH1's "La La's Full Court Life" in March 2013. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/04/la-la-anthony-discusses-g_n_2806126.html" target="_blank">When asked </a>about whether or not she's afraid to be seen at a gay wedding, Anthony replied, “No, not at all. That’s something that I would definitely stand up for. I think about Dice, I think about Po. I think about everybody in my life and it’s like. I’m just happy to know that we’ve come this far."
Lena Dunham
Creator and star of HBO's hit series "Girls" is no stranger to controversial topics and at the 2013 Golden Globe awards, Dunham <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/14/lena-dunham-boyfriend_n_2473557.html" target="_blank">unsurprisingly admitted</a> her support for same-sex marriage in response to questions about her possible engagement to Fun. guitarist Jack Antonoff: ""I don't want to get married until all gay people can get married."
Susan Olsen
Actress Susan Olsen, famous for playing Cindy on "The Brady Bunch," showed her support of same-sex marriage while the United States Supreme Court reviewed California's Prop 8 and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in March 2013. She <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/27/susan-olsen-brady-bunch-gay-marriage-_n_2966229.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices" target="_blank">posted a cover photo</a> to her Facebook page that show Cindy Brady praying and has the caption, "Please God, let the Supreme Court know that you think it's OK for gay people to marry."
A$AP Rocky
During an interview with Interview Magazine in March 2013, the rapper<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/25/rapper-asap-rocky-gay-thing-hip-hop_n_2950676.html" target="_blank"> sounded off on</a> the "gay thing in Hip-hop." The Harlem native said, “So now that I’m here and I’ve got a microphone in my hand and about 6,000 people watching me, I need to tell them how I feel." He added, "For instance, one big issue in hip hop is the gay thing. It’s 2013, and it’s a shame that, to this day, that topic still gets people all excited. It’s crazy. And it makes me upset that this topic even matters when it comes to hip hop, because it makes it seem like everybody in hip hop is small-minded or stupid -- and that’s not the case." Rocky said that he treats everybody equal and he wants his listeners and followers to do the same. "We’ve got people like Jay-Z. We’ve got people like Kanye. We’ve got people like me. We’re all prime examples of people who don’t think like that. I treat everybody equal, and so I want to be sure that my listeners and my followers do the same if they’re gonna represent me. And if I’m gonna represent them, then I also want to do it in a good way.”
Macklemore, the breakout hip hop artist of 2013, is the man behind the gay rights anthem "Same Love," along with Ryan Lewis, that <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/25/macklemore-vma-performance-ryan-lewis-same-love_n_3791670.html" target="_blank">took the 2013 Video Music Awards by storm</a>. Macklemore is an outspoken supporter of gay rights, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/12/macklemore-same-love-homophobia-_n_3587294.html" target="_blank">saying in an interview</a>: "I think that looking at the hip-hop community, and holding myself accountable in the hip-hop community, was what I cared about. That's my community; that's who I see to be oppressing gay people...Homophobia is still rampant in the hip-hop community and it just gets the co-sign."
Anna Wintour
Editor-In-Chief of American Vogue and style icon Anna Wintour publicly stated her support for gay marriage <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/02/raven-symone-comes-out_n_3697024.html" target="_blank">by taking part</a> in the Human Rights Campaign's "New Yorkers for Marriage Equality." During the 30-second clip, Wintour beautifully states: "As far as I'm concerned, having the right to say 'I do' is as fundamental as the right to vote. The time is now, please join me in supporting marriage equality for all New Yorkers."
Jay-Z <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/14/jay-z-gay-marriage-obama_n_1516614.html" target="_blank">showed his support</a> of President Barack Obama's endorsement of marriage equality. The rapper said, "What people do in their own homes is their business, and you can choose to love whoever you love. That's their business. It's no different than discriminating against blacks. It's discrimination, plain and simple."
Chris Kluwe
Kluwe wrote an open letter to a Maryland legislator who spoke out against the supportive views of Brendon Ayanbadejo. He also recorded a video supporting marriage equality."Excluding gay couples from marriage is a meaningless and reckless restriction of individual freedom and basic human rights," said <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSix0NnVNJ0" target="_blank">the Vikings punter</a>. "To deny an entire group of people the ability to be legal couples is anti-American and anti-freedom. As a devoted husband and father of two, I can't imagine the state of Minnesota not recognizing my love for my wife Isabelle. We would welcome and respect the equal rights for gays to experience the same joy and privileges of marriage that we do."
Kathy Griffin
Kathy has been a long-time supporter of the LGBT community, using her blunt wit and comedic nature to make her opinions heard. The moments where she has shown support for marriage equality are too numerous to pick one example, but they range from her <a href="http://www.towleroad.com/2009/03/kathy-griffin-to-samesex-marriage-foes-what-the-fck-is-it-to-you.html" target="_blank">marching with advocate</a>s of same-sex marriage to telling reporters that <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/21/kathy-griffin-lesbian-president_n_3308654.html" target="_blank">we need a lesbian president</a> (she nominates Suze Orman).
NeNe Leakes
The star of Bravo's "Housewives of Atlanta" showed her support of gay marriage during an interview with the Advocate. "To me, same-sex marriage is like the new normal. I don’t give a sh*t. If two gay people want to get married it doesn’t bother me. If two people say they love each other and they want to be together, they should be together. Don’t you think?," the reality star and actress <a href="http://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/television/2012/05/22/nene-speaks?page=0,2" target="_blank">told the Advocate</a>.
Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway, who's been outspoken about her support for her gay brother, <a href="http://www.interviewmagazine.com/film/anne-hathaway-1" target="_hplink">told Chelsea Handler in <em>Interview</em></a>, "The other thing I want to say about Jersey is they need to get on the New York bandwagon and legalize gay marriage." She continued, "But I think everybody should do that. It's not a specifically Jersey thing."
Brad Pitt
Though it was revealed recently that Pitt and longtime partner Angelina Jolie <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/13/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-engaged-jeweler_n_1424139.html" target="_hplink">are now engaged</a> (they previously said they would not get married until marriage was an option for all people), the actor has been a staunch supporter of the LGBT community. In 2009 he donated $100,000 to fighting Proposition 8, the California law which made same-sex marriage illegal in the state. Pitt said: <blockquote>"Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/spielberg_makes_like_pitt_supports/30446" target="_hplink">my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8.</a>"</blockquote> Pitt also recently starred in a production of Dustin Lance Black's play "8," based on the Prop 8 trial.
Kelly Osbourne
Having served as Grand Marshall of the 40th annual Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade in Hollywood alongside her mother, appearing as a guest judge multiple times on "RuPaul's Drag Race," and campaigning heavily against California's Proposition 8, Kelly Osbourne is in many ways considered a gay icon. While serving as Grand Marshall, Osbourne <a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1286431/My-God-loves-gays-Kelly-Osbourne-shouts-homophobes-coming-Gay-Pride-parade.html" target="_blank">repeatedly shouted</a> "My God loves gays!"
Carrie Underwood
The queen of country originally came out in support of same-sex marriage in 2012, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/20/carrie-underwood-gay-marriage-backlash-london_n_1612498.html" target="_blank">receiving backlash</a> from her largely-christian fan-base. She then reaffirmed her stance in <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/16/carrie-underwood-gay-marriage-country-singer_n_2488967.html" target="_blank">a February 2013 interview</a>, stating, ""I’m in favor of acceptance...and I am a Christian person, and I do love the Lord, and I feel no matter who you are, what you believe, how you live your life, it’s not my place to judge."
Brendon Ayanbadejo
The Baltimore Ravens player spearheaded submitting a brief on behalf of professional athletes and celebrities in favor of marriage equality before the United States Supreme Court reviewed California's Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). He was also one of the first NFL players<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/06/brendon-ayanbadejo-gay-rights-usa-today_n_2631729.html" target="_blank"> to welcome gays </a>to come out while playing professional sports.
Cyndi Lauper
Lauper launched her Give a Damn Campaign to raise awareness for the struggles of gay and transgender youth. "For far too long, dogma and fear have torn apart too many families,<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cyndi-lauper/give-a-damn_b_1000046.html" target="_hplink">" she wrote in The Huffington Post in 2011</a>. "It is a time when the heart must lead the way when your child shares this personal and life-changing moment with you."
Clint Eastwood
In a 2011 interview with <em>GQ</em> Eastwood said:
"These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don't give a f*** about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of. They go on and on with all this bulls*** about "sanctity" -- don't give me that sanctity crap! <a href="http://www.gq.com/entertainment/movies-and-tv/201110/leonardo-dicaprio-clint-eastwood-gq-september-2011-cover-story-article#ixzz1dEBChGb4" target="_hplink">Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."</a>Drew Barrymore
Barrymore <a href="http://www.justjared.com/2009/05/27/drew-barrymore-gay-marriage-rally/" target="_hplink">stepped out to support gay marriage</a> after the California Supreme Court's ruling to uphold Proposition 8 in 2009, saying "I am who I am because of the people who influenced me growing up, and many of them were gay. No one has any right to tell anyone what makes a family."
Charles Barkley
During an interview on SiriusXM radio, Barkley was asked how he felt about gay players in the locker room.
Barkley responded <a href="http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gameon/post/2011/05/media-watch-charles-barkley-on-gay-athletes----we-dont-care/1#.T4wuIZrLx1M" target="_hplink">that a gay player would only be judged based</a> on
"whether he can play or not. If somebody is gay, that's their own business. But it bothers me how people try to say that jocks are not going to like a gay. ... I think gay people should be allowed to get married and God bless them, that's their own business. Listen, if a guy can't play that's the only time we don't want to play with him. We don't care about all that extracurricular stuff."Kate Winslet
"I like the diversity that my children are exposed to every day," Kate Winslet <a href="http://www.vmagazine.com/2011/09/kate-winslet/?page=2" target="_hplink">told <em>V</em> magazine in 2011</a>. "I love the way their brains work. Joe [her son] turns to me the other day and says, 'One day, I will have a girlfriend. But I might have a boyfriend. If I'm gay.' He's 7! And I said, 'You might have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, darling.' And he said, 'Which would you prefer?' And I said, 'My love, that would be entirely up to you, and it doesn't make any difference to me.'"
Sean Avery
Not only has the New York Rangers hockey star come out in support of gay marriage (see the video above), when asked about <a href="http://www.torontosun.com/sports/hockey/2011/02/03/17146546.html" target="_hplink">what he'd do if there were a gay player in the locker room</a> he said:
<blockquote>"I'll stand beside him in the dressing room while he tells his teammates he is gay. Maybe if Sean Avery is there, they would have less of a problem with it."</blockquote>Daniel Radcliffe
The "Harry Potter" star has long been an advocate for LGBT causes including <a href="http://www.thetrevorproject.org/" target="_hplink">The Trevor Project</a>, which helps LGBT youth who are dealing with suicidal thoughts.
Radcliffe, who was <a href="http://www.out.com/entertainment/2010/08/08/daniel-radcliffe-and-our-lady-j-odd-couple" target="_hplink">featured on the cover of gay men's magazine <em>Out</em></a> with transgender musician and friend Our Lady J, will play gay poet Allen Ginsberg in an upcoming biopic.Julianne Moore
"I think it's a very basic human rights issue," Moore, who played one half of a lesbian couple in 2010's "The Kids Are Alright,"<a href="http://www.wwd.com/eye/parties/calvin-klein-fetes-americans-for-marriage-equality-5400017" target="_hplink"> told <em>Women's Wear Daily.</em></a> "Everybody has the right to marry the person they love and be represented as a couple and family....It's something that people will look back on in years to come and say, 'I can't believe it took so long for us to recognize this.' It'll be like segregation and giving women the right to vote."
Steven Spielberg
Brad Pitt wasn't the only one to donate to the fight against Prop 8. In 2008 Steven Spielberg also plunked down $100,000 in hopes of defeating the anti-marriage equality bill.
Spielberg, who made the donation with his wife Kate Capshaw, said:
"By writing discrimination into our state constitution, Proposition 8 seeks to eliminate the right of each and every citizen in our state to marry regardless of sexual orientation. <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/spielberg_makes_like_pitt_supports/30446#ixzz1sDFjEXxY" target="_hplink">Such discrimination has NO place in California's constitution, or any other.</a>"Miley Cyrus
In August 2011, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/03/miley-cyrus-why-i-got-my-gay-marriage-tattoo_n_1253130.html" target="_hplink">Cyrus tattooed</a> a small "equals" sign on her middle finger, in support of same-sex marriage. She later told <em>Glamour</em> that the idea of not being able to marry the person you love more than anything in the world makes her "feel sick to her stomach."
Sean Penn
Penn played the role of slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk and was awarded an Oscar for his incredible portrayal.
During his acceptance speech Penn said:
<blockquote>"I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone."</blockquote>Pink
Pink chose to set the video for her 2010 hit "Raise Your Glass" at a gay wedding. "I threw my best friend's wedding in my backyard -- [she] is gay and she married her wife, and it was absolutely beautiful," <a href="http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1649597/pinks-raise-your-glass-video-celebrates-gay-marriage.jhtml" target="_hplink">she told MTV News</a>. "At the end of it, her mom said, 'Why can't this be legal?' and started crying. It was just the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen, so that's why I'm doing it in my video. "
Russell Simmons
The entertainment mogul has long been an ally to the LGBT community. In a 2009 Huffington Post blog written as an open letter to then NY Governor David Paterson, Simmons said: <blockquote>"You have recently done this in showing support for the legalization of gay marriage. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russell-simmons/dear-governor-paterson-an_b_188307.html" target="_hplink">History will show you are right</a> and will we support you on this issue."</blockquote>
John Stewart
"The Daily Show With John Stewart" has a long-standing history of showing support for the LGBT community. In fact, President Barack Obama <a href="http://www.advocate.com/politics/election/2012/10/19/watch-obama-gets-big-applause-daily-show-supporting-lgbt-rights" target="_blank">received a lengthy round of applause</a> on the show for supporting LGBT rights. Stewart has repeatedly slammed anti-LGBT pundits and situations, including <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/04/jon-stewart-slams-gop-gay-marriage-argument_n_3013777.html" target="_blank">the GOP's argument against marriage equality</a> leading up the the repeal of DOMA.
Daniel Radcliffe
The "Harry Potter" star has been very outspoken about his position on gay rights, having done a PSA in 2012 for the Trevor Project. In fact, the Trevor Project even <a href="http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1666553/daniel-radcliffe-trevor-project-hero-award.jhtml" target="_blank">acknowledged his advocacy </a>with he the hero award in June 2011. In his PSA, Radcliffe stated that, "Gay people should have equality in law everywhere. If you grow up as a young gay man knowing you don't have the same opportunities as everyone else, you're going to feel victimized and massive prejudice towards you."
Natalie Portman
Portman and husband Benjamin Millepied <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/natalie_portman_benjamin_millepied_say/245874" target="_hplink">were among the stars</a> who signed Freedom to Marry's "I Do" open letter, which called on President Obama to declare his support for marriage equality.
Zach Wahls
The son of two lesbians, Wahls gave an <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/01/zach-wahls-iowa-student-marriage-equality_n_1123020.html" target="_hplink">incredible pro-gay marriage, pro-gay parenting speech</a> in front of the Iowa House of Representatives in February of 2011.
The speech was so inspiring that it went viral on the Internet not just in February of 2011 but then again nearly 11 months later in December of 2011.
Up next, Wahls will serve as co-chair for "The Outspoken Generation," the Family Equality Council's national youth advocacy initiative <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/06/zach-wahls-outspoken-generation-ella-robinson-gay-parents_n_1408703.html" target="_hplink">involving the young adult children of LGBT parents.</a>
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/06/zach-wahls-outspoken-generation-ella-robinson-gay-parents_n_1408703.htmlJennifer Aniston
Following New York's historic passage of a same-sex marriage bill in June 2011, Jennifer Aniston <a href="http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1666491/jennifer-aniston-gay-marriage-vote.jhtml" target="_hplink">told MTV News:</a> "It's great! I thought it was unbelievable. So exciting in this time and that it happens to be Gay Pride weekend. What a great weekend."
George Clooney
In a recent interview with "the Advocate," the longtime LGBT ally, addressed rumors about his own sexuality and <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/29/george-clooney-advocate-gay-rumors-marriage-brad-pitt_n_1310901.html" target="_hplink">affirmed his dedication to supporting his gay friends</a>:
<blockquote>"I think it's funny, but the last thing you'll ever see me do is jump up and down, saying, 'These are lies!' That would be unfair and unkind to my good friends in the gay community," Clooney said. "I'm not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing. My private life is private, and I'm very happy in it. Who does it hurt if someone thinks I'm gay? I'll be long dead and there will still be people who say I was gay. I don't give a sh*t."</blockquote>Hudson Taylor
The wrestling star and Division I wrestling coach recently launched Athlete Ally, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which aims to <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/hudson-taylor/gay-college-sports-coaches_b_1210651.html" target="_hplink">educate and empower straight allies in sports</a> to speak out against homophobia and transphobia.
Rev. Al Sharpton
Rev. Al Sharpton, who has blogged for HuffPost in the past, is a powerful ally in the fight for LGBT rights. He regularly goes to bat for the LGBT community, despite his ties to the baptist church, and has <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-al-sharpton/gop-diversity_b_2923656.html" target="_blank">previously stated</a> that "there's a reason why Blacks, Latinos, Asians, gays, immigrants and other groups overwhelmingly voted with the Democrats during the last election -- mainly that we vote with those who fight for greater equality."
Josh Hutcherson
Hutcherson is <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/16/josh-hutcherson-glaad-vanguard-award_n_1428460.html" target="_hplink">the youngest person to ever be honored by GLAAD with the Vanguard Award for his work with the LGBT community</a>, which includes the founding of Straight But Not Narrow, a campaign that "is primarily directed to the young, straight male by using comedy and their peers to positively influence their views on LGBT teens."
The teen, who filmed a video for SBNN (see above) told SamaritanMag.com, "...[the campaign] hits close to home for me. I have a lot of gay friends in Los Angeles. My roommate's gay and I lost two uncles when I was young to AIDS, so it's an important cause in my family."Carly Ray Jepsen
"Call Me Maybe" singer Carly Ray Jepsen <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/05/carly-rae-jepsen-boy-scouts-concert-anti-gay_n_2811360.html" target="_blank">cancelled her performance</a> at a summer Boy Scouts concert prior to the Boy Scouts repealing their anti gay stance for members (but not scoutmasters). In a tweet she branded herself as "artist who believes in equality for all people."
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