"Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan has found his next post-"Breaking Bad" series: "Battle Creek," which he will executive produce alongside "House" creator David Shore for CBS, which has already given the project a 13-episode order.
The series, which will debut in the 2014-2015 television season, is based on a spec script that was written by Gilligan a decade ago. Shore is expected to do a second pass on the script to update it, according to The Hollywood Reporter, and will serve as showrunner on the series, while Gilligan is reportedly interested in directing the pilot.
"Battle Creek" centers on two detectives with very different world views who are teamed up. They must answer the question: is cynicism, guile and deception enough to clean up the semi-mean streets of Battle Creek, Michigan in the face of a complete lack of resources; or is the exact opposite true – it takes naïveté, trust and a boatload of resources? The show is set up at CBS TV Studios and Sony Pictures TV, the studio that produced "Breaking Bad," where Shore is under an overall deal.
Gilligan is also attached to AMC and Sony TV’s upcoming "Breaking Bad" spinoff, tentatively titled "Better Call Saul." Earlier today, news broke that "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston would reprise his role as Ted's former boss Hammond Druthers on the final season of "How I Met Your Mother" for his first post-Walter White TV role.
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via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/25/battle-creek-vince-gilligan-cbs-series-order_n_3992195.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-entertainment&ir=UK+Entertainment
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