The end of the Internet is nigh... Yet again.
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Budweiser King
The other two refs are discussing whether or not to tell him.
Bikini Body
Your morning commute just got a LOT more distracting.
Eagle Carrying Dog
Teaching your dog to "roll over" has never been more entertaining.
Obama Wizard
What does he see? Four more years?
Olympic Glasses
The summer Olympics come around once every four years, but <a href="">this only happens</a> once in a lifetime.
Building Impalement
Let's hope there's a trampoline under her.
Shooting Hoops
He got that statue for being such a good basketball player
He's been cutting way back on the Fancy Feast, and it shows.
Becoming A Geisha
This is one "missed connection" that's going to be pretty hard to track down.
Lightning Strikes
EIther that or she just had a REALLY good idea.
Michelle's New Hat?
Not to mention, if Barack leaned over any further we're pretty sure he'd have an afro.
Walking On Water
Kid gets a diving board, next thing you know he thinks he's Jesus Christ.
Moon Landing
Neil who? Buzz who?
Meow Mix
Looks like someone alrady found his Halloween costume.
Blow Your Horn
This must have been how they got the sun to come out back in the old days.
The Old Yawn-And-Stretch
Come on, cat. That's the oldest trick in the book.
Bubble Eyes
So much cuter than regular glasses.
Heart Cats
"Oh, did you need something? We're just being mind-bogglingly cute."
Who's Calling?
What an eavesdropper.
Catching The Moon
We're assuming Scorsese could get the moon to move if he needed to.
Magic Cat
This cat must have been one of the first <a href="">horsemaning</a> pioneers.
Catch A Plane
It's somehow both serene and terrifying at the same time.
Shadow Bird
Why stand when you can fly?
Plane On A Wire
That is the weirdest looking bird we've ever seen.
Jet-Powered Eagle?
Evolution is getting REALLY interesting these days.
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