Aaron Paul always delivers, whether in his roles or in real life, and on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" last night (Sept. 18) he did not disappoint.
The "Breaking Bad" star revealed one of the most bizarre celebrity talents we've ever heard of: since he was young, he’s been able to guess whether a dog was male or female, just by petting it. Naturally, the Kimmel team had to put this talent to the test, and it turned out he guessed four of the four correctly -- using Jesse's "Breaking Bad" catchphrase "bitch!" to reveal the genders, of course.
“This one’s got balls, bitch!” Paul said of the only male canine of the group.
Kimmel and the audience were quite impressed, and we have to say we're mesmerized too!
With only two episodes of "Breaking Bad" left and an Emmy nomination this Sunday, Paul has a busy few weeks ahead of him.
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